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Yen-Lin Cho


Research RoomME6011



Lab:  Environmental Soil and Sustainable Resources Lab.










Education and Major Experience

PhD (2022) in Soil and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Hsing University





Research Interests

  1. Net-zero carbon sequestration: wetland blue carbon, soil yellow carbon, microalgal capture.
  2. Pollutant analysis: heavy metals, phosphorus, and trace elements.
  3. Environmental soil chemistry.
  4. Microalgae applications in wastewater treatment.
  5. Synchrotron analysis of metal speciation, toxicity, 3D cellular morphology, and protein stress.




Main Research Themes Over the Past Five Years

  1. Heavy metal uptake, intracellular speciation and distribution in microalgae
  2. Developing biomaterials and biocomposites for metals remediation




Proposed Research Themes for the Next Five Years

  1. Nature-Based Solutions and Net-Zero Emissions: Advanced Technologies and Strategic Management of Wetland Blue Carbon and Soil Yellow Carbon Systems
  2. Green and Sustainable Strategies for Environmental Pollutant Remediation through Biotechnological Approaches




Courses Offered

  1. Basic Environmental Science (基礎環境科學)
  2. Environmental Microbiology (環境微生物學)
  3. Biological Treatment for Wastewater (廢水生物處理方法)
  4. Solid Waste Management (固體廢棄物處理)
  5. Introduction to Air Pollution (空氣污染概論)




Academic Service (International Journal Review)

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