Yen-Lin Cho Conference Papers ( 研討會論文 )
2024 Cho, Y.L. , Assakinah, A., Tzou, Y.M., Than, N.A.T., Yoon, H.S., Park, S.I., Wang, C.C., Lee, Y.C., Hsu, L.C., Huang, P.Y., Liu S.L., and Liu, Y.T.* Molecular-level mechanisms of metal oxi-dation and reduction in Cyanidiophyceae. The Symbiosis Symposium. Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea. Feb. 2024.
2023 Cho, Y.L., Chen Y.H., Than, N.A.T., and Liu, Y.T.*. Molecular-level insights into arsenic bio-transformation in extremophilic microorganisms (Cyanidiales). The 13th Asian Symposium on Mi-crobial Ecology and the 36th Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology, Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology. Hamamatsu, Japan. Dec. 2023
2022 Ocba, M. A. C., Cho, Y.L., Liu, Y.T.*, and Tzou, Y.M. Mechanisms of soil organic carbon stor-age potential: a predictive model applied to optimize soil carbon storage. UCSD-NCHU Joint Symposium & ENABLE/IDCSA/SMARTer Annual Meeting, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. Sep. 2022
2020 Liu, Y.T.*, Hsu, L.C., Cho, Y.L., and Teah, Y.T. Potential application of X-ray absorption spec-troscopy in Environmental Biogeochemistry and remediation. The 26th Users' Meeting & Work-shops. National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center. Hsinchu, Taiwan. Nov. 2020.
2020 Cho, Y.L. and Liu, Y.T.* Reduction and Transformation of Hexavalent Chromium by Thermoac-idophilic Cyanidiales. The 26th Users' Meeting & Workshops. National Synchrotron Radiation Re-search Center. Hsinchu, Taiwan. Nov 2020. (Outstanding research oral award in phys./chem. sci-ence)
2019 Cho, Y.L. and Liu, Y.T.* The novel thermoacidophilic Cyanidiales in lead biogeochemistry. Goldschmidt 2019. Barcelona, Spain. Aug. 2019.
2019 Cho, Y.L. and Liu, Y.T.* Hexavalent chromium retention on extremophilic red microalgae (Cya-nidiales). Thailand-Taiwan Bilateral Symposium on Energy, Environment and Materials. National Chung Hsing University. Huisun Forest Area. Nantou, Taiwan. Jun. 2019. (Best Poster Award)
2018 Cho, Y.L., Hsu, L.C., Chen, P.C., Liu, S.L. and Liu, Y.T.* Application of innovative biocompo-sites with extremophilic red microalgae (Cyanidiales) on removal of Pb: Efficiency enhancement in heavy metal removal. The 24th Users' Meeting & Workshops. National Synchrotron Radiation Re-search Center. Hsinchu, Taiwan. Sep. 2018. (Outstanding research oral award in phys./chem. sci-ence)
2017 Chen, K.Y., Hsu, L.C., Cho, Y.L., Liu Y.T.* Humic acid coprecipitation with ferrihydrite: micro-scopic mechanisms and the impact on phosphate adsorption. The 13th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. Pattaya, Thailand. Dec. 2017.
2017 Chen, K.Y., Cho, Y.L., Tzou, Y.M. Liu, Y.T.* Microscopic mechanisms for humic acid coprecip-itated with ferrihydrite. Goldschmidt 2017. Paris, France. Aug. 2017.
2015 Cho, Y.L., Hsu, L.C., Liu, Y.T.* Lead speciation for the soil collected from the mining area and the plant used for remediation. The 21st Users' Meeting & Workshops. National Synchrotron Radi-ation Research Center. Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 2015. (Outstanding research award in phys./chem. science)
2014 Cho, Y.L., Hong, S.C., Chen, H.W.* Questionnaire survey of non-value willingness to pay in Tunghai University – a case in Qingjing Farm. The 26th Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Tunghai University, Taiwan, Nov. 2014.
2023 Cho, Y.L., Chen Y.H., Than, N.A.T., and Liu, Y.T.*. Molecular-level insights into arsenic bio-transformation in extremophilic microorganisms (Cyanidiales). The 13th Asian Symposium on Mi-crobial Ecology and the 36th Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology, Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology. Hamamatsu, Japan. Dec. 2023
2022 Ocba, M. A. C., Cho, Y.L., Liu, Y.T.*, and Tzou, Y.M. Mechanisms of soil organic carbon stor-age potential: a predictive model applied to optimize soil carbon storage. UCSD-NCHU Joint Symposium & ENABLE/IDCSA/SMARTer Annual Meeting, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. Sep. 2022
2020 Liu, Y.T.*, Hsu, L.C., Cho, Y.L., and Teah, Y.T. Potential application of X-ray absorption spec-troscopy in Environmental Biogeochemistry and remediation. The 26th Users' Meeting & Work-shops. National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center. Hsinchu, Taiwan. Nov. 2020.
2020 Cho, Y.L. and Liu, Y.T.* Reduction and Transformation of Hexavalent Chromium by Thermoac-idophilic Cyanidiales. The 26th Users' Meeting & Workshops. National Synchrotron Radiation Re-search Center. Hsinchu, Taiwan. Nov 2020. (Outstanding research oral award in phys./chem. sci-ence)
2019 Cho, Y.L. and Liu, Y.T.* The novel thermoacidophilic Cyanidiales in lead biogeochemistry. Goldschmidt 2019. Barcelona, Spain. Aug. 2019.
2019 Cho, Y.L. and Liu, Y.T.* Hexavalent chromium retention on extremophilic red microalgae (Cya-nidiales). Thailand-Taiwan Bilateral Symposium on Energy, Environment and Materials. National Chung Hsing University. Huisun Forest Area. Nantou, Taiwan. Jun. 2019. (Best Poster Award)
2018 Cho, Y.L., Hsu, L.C., Chen, P.C., Liu, S.L. and Liu, Y.T.* Application of innovative biocompo-sites with extremophilic red microalgae (Cyanidiales) on removal of Pb: Efficiency enhancement in heavy metal removal. The 24th Users' Meeting & Workshops. National Synchrotron Radiation Re-search Center. Hsinchu, Taiwan. Sep. 2018. (Outstanding research oral award in phys./chem. sci-ence)
2017 Chen, K.Y., Hsu, L.C., Cho, Y.L., Liu Y.T.* Humic acid coprecipitation with ferrihydrite: micro-scopic mechanisms and the impact on phosphate adsorption. The 13th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. Pattaya, Thailand. Dec. 2017.
2017 Chen, K.Y., Cho, Y.L., Tzou, Y.M. Liu, Y.T.* Microscopic mechanisms for humic acid coprecip-itated with ferrihydrite. Goldschmidt 2017. Paris, France. Aug. 2017.
2015 Cho, Y.L., Hsu, L.C., Liu, Y.T.* Lead speciation for the soil collected from the mining area and the plant used for remediation. The 21st Users' Meeting & Workshops. National Synchrotron Radi-ation Research Center. Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sep. 2015. (Outstanding research award in phys./chem. science)
2014 Cho, Y.L., Hong, S.C., Chen, H.W.* Questionnaire survey of non-value willingness to pay in Tunghai University – a case in Qingjing Farm. The 26th Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, Tunghai University, Taiwan, Nov. 2014.
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