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Asim Önder


Research Room:ME5006

TEL(07-525-2000) 5065

E-mail: asim.onder@mail.nsysu.edu.tw 

Lab webpage : Marine Aero- and Hydrodynamics Laboratory











Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (2014)

M.Sc., Computational Science and Engineering, Technical University of Munich (2009)

B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University (2006)



Major Experience

Senior Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2022)

Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2016-2021)

Postdoctoral Researcher, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering (2015)



Research Interests

Microscale Processes at the Air-Sea Interface with Implications on Ocean Carbon Sink

Wave-Wake-Structure Interactions in Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

AI Models for Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling

Dissipation and Transport in 3D Wave-Current Boundary Layers



Courses Offered

Marine System Modelling I

Applied Engineering Hydraulics


Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Mathematics II



Recent Research Projects

Aerodynamics of Offshore Wind Farms

Neural-Network Models for Gas-Liquid Flows

Near-Ned Hydrodynamics Driven by Short Ocean Waves

Turbulent Flows Beneath Tsunamis

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