Chun-Hung Lin Journal papers ( 學術期刊論文 )
2020 Chun Hung Lin, Chih Ping Lin, Yin Jeh Ngui, Haoran Wang, Po Lin Wu, Guan Jie He, Hsin Chang Liu,(2020)"Diameter assessment of soilcrete column using in-hole electrical resistivity tomography"Geotechnique, 70(12), 1120-1132.
2019 Chung, C.-C., Lin, C.-P., Yang, S.-H., Lin, J.-Y., and Lin, C.-H., (2019) “Investigation of non-unique relationship between soil electrical conductivity and water content due to drying-wetting rate using TDR,” Engineering Geology, 252, 54-64. (SCI)
2018 Lin, C.-H., Lin, C.-P, Hung, I.-C., Chung, C.-C., Wu, P.-L., and Liu, H.-C., (2018) “Application of geophysical methods in a dam project: Life cycle perspective and Taiwan experience,” Journal of Applied Geophysics, 158, 82-92. (SCI)
2018 Lin, C.-P., Ngui, Y.-J., and Lin, C.-H., (2018) “Multiple Reflection Analysis of TDR Signal for Complex Dielectric Spectroscopy”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 67(11), 2649 - 2661. (SCI)
2017 Lin, C.-P., Lin, C.-H., and Chien, C.-J., (2017) “Dispersion analysis of surface wave testing – SASW vs. MASW”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 143, 223–230. (SCI)
2017 Lin, C.-H., Lin, C.-P., Dai, Y.-Z. and Chien, C.-J., (2017) “Application of surface wave method in assessment of ground modification with improvement columns”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 142, 14–22. (SCI)
2017 Lin, C.-P., Ngui, Y-J, and Lin, C.-H., (2017) “A Novel TDR Signal Processing Technique for Measuring Apparent Dielectric Spectrum”, Measurement Science and Technology, 28, 015501. (SCI)
2016 Lin, C.-P., Ngui, Y-J, and Lin, C.-H., (2016) “Spectral Phase Velocity Analysis (SPVA) for TDR Signals”, Measurement Science and Technology, in 2nd review. (SCI)
2016 Lin, C.-P., Lin, C.-H., and Chien, C.-J., (2016) “Nondestructive Measurement of Shear Wave Velocity – SASW vs. MASW”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, in 2nd review. (SCI) Chung, C.-C., Lin, C.-P., Ngui, Y.-J., Wang, K., and Lin, C.-H.,(2016) “Laboratory Evaluation of Soil-Nailing Quality Inspection by anImproved TDR Method”, Journal of GeoEngineering , Accepted. (EI)
2016 Lin, C-H. and Lin, C.-P., (2016) “Phase Velocity Approach for Suspension P-S Logging Data Analysis”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 129, 126-132. (SCI)
2015 Lin, C.-P., Tang, S.-H., Lin, C.-H., Chung, C.-C. (2015), “AnImproved Modeling of TDR Signal Propagation for Measuring Complex Dielectric Permittivity”, Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 26, pp. 827-834.(SCI)
2015 Lin, C.-P., Lin, C.-H., Wu, P.-L., Liu, H.-C. (2015),“Applications and Challenges of Near Surface Geophysics in Geotechnical Engineering”, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Vol. 58, pp.2664-2680. (SCI)
2012 Lin, C.-H., Lin, C.-P., Drnevich, V. P. (2012), “TDR Method forCompaction Quality Control: Multi Evaluation and Sources of Error,”Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 35, No. 5, p. 817-826.(SCI)Lin, C-H. and Lin, C.-P. (2012), “Metamorphosing the SASWMethod by 2-D Wavefield Transformation,” Journal of Geotechnical and 12
2007 Lin, C.-P. and Lin, C.-H. (2007), “Effect of Lateral Heterogeneityon Surface Wave Testing: Numerical Simulations and a Countermeasure,”Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 27, pp. 541-552. (SCI)
2020 林俊宏、薛憲文、吳泓毅, (2020) “淺海域地球物理調查方法之回顧與展望,” 地工技術, 165, 19-30.
2020 林志平、吳采容、吳柏林、劉興昌、魏殷哲、林俊宏, (2020) “進地表地球物理方法之簡介、挑戰及地工應用的調適,” 地工技術, 165, 7-18.
2019 林俊宏、鐘志忠、林志平, (2019) “地球物理技術於大規模崩塌地調查之應用評析,” 地工技術, 161, 81-90.
2011 Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 8, p. 1027~1032 (SCI)林志平、林俊宏、簡志榮、陳逸倫(2011),"表面波震測法做為地盤改良成效檢測工具之探討",土木水利,第三十八卷,第六期,第54-63 頁。
2009 林志平、林俊宏、洪瑛鈞、鍾志忠(2009),"地球物理探測在水庫壩體安全檢測之應用",水資源管理會刊,第11 卷,第一期,第76-85頁。
2008 林志平、林俊宏、鄒和翰、尤仁弘、鍾志忠(2008),"壩體地球物理檢測之發展與應用",台灣公共工程學刊, 第四卷,第三期,第27-35 頁。
2008 林俊宏、林志平(2008),"表面波震測之二維剪力波速剖面造影技術", 地工技術,第115 期,民國九十七年三月。
2019 Chung, C.-C., Lin, C.-P., Yang, S.-H., Lin, J.-Y., and Lin, C.-H., (2019) “Investigation of non-unique relationship between soil electrical conductivity and water content due to drying-wetting rate using TDR,” Engineering Geology, 252, 54-64. (SCI)
2018 Lin, C.-H., Lin, C.-P, Hung, I.-C., Chung, C.-C., Wu, P.-L., and Liu, H.-C., (2018) “Application of geophysical methods in a dam project: Life cycle perspective and Taiwan experience,” Journal of Applied Geophysics, 158, 82-92. (SCI)
2018 Lin, C.-P., Ngui, Y.-J., and Lin, C.-H., (2018) “Multiple Reflection Analysis of TDR Signal for Complex Dielectric Spectroscopy”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 67(11), 2649 - 2661. (SCI)
2017 Lin, C.-P., Lin, C.-H., and Chien, C.-J., (2017) “Dispersion analysis of surface wave testing – SASW vs. MASW”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 143, 223–230. (SCI)
2017 Lin, C.-H., Lin, C.-P., Dai, Y.-Z. and Chien, C.-J., (2017) “Application of surface wave method in assessment of ground modification with improvement columns”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 142, 14–22. (SCI)
2017 Lin, C.-P., Ngui, Y-J, and Lin, C.-H., (2017) “A Novel TDR Signal Processing Technique for Measuring Apparent Dielectric Spectrum”, Measurement Science and Technology, 28, 015501. (SCI)
2016 Lin, C.-P., Ngui, Y-J, and Lin, C.-H., (2016) “Spectral Phase Velocity Analysis (SPVA) for TDR Signals”, Measurement Science and Technology, in 2nd review. (SCI)
2016 Lin, C.-P., Lin, C.-H., and Chien, C.-J., (2016) “Nondestructive Measurement of Shear Wave Velocity – SASW vs. MASW”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, in 2nd review. (SCI) Chung, C.-C., Lin, C.-P., Ngui, Y.-J., Wang, K., and Lin, C.-H.,(2016) “Laboratory Evaluation of Soil-Nailing Quality Inspection by anImproved TDR Method”, Journal of GeoEngineering , Accepted. (EI)
2016 Lin, C-H. and Lin, C.-P., (2016) “Phase Velocity Approach for Suspension P-S Logging Data Analysis”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 129, 126-132. (SCI)
2015 Lin, C.-P., Tang, S.-H., Lin, C.-H., Chung, C.-C. (2015), “AnImproved Modeling of TDR Signal Propagation for Measuring Complex Dielectric Permittivity”, Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 26, pp. 827-834.(SCI)
2015 Lin, C.-P., Lin, C.-H., Wu, P.-L., Liu, H.-C. (2015),“Applications and Challenges of Near Surface Geophysics in Geotechnical Engineering”, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Vol. 58, pp.2664-2680. (SCI)
2012 Lin, C.-H., Lin, C.-P., Drnevich, V. P. (2012), “TDR Method forCompaction Quality Control: Multi Evaluation and Sources of Error,”Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 35, No. 5, p. 817-826.(SCI)Lin, C-H. and Lin, C.-P. (2012), “Metamorphosing the SASWMethod by 2-D Wavefield Transformation,” Journal of Geotechnical and 12
2007 Lin, C.-P. and Lin, C.-H. (2007), “Effect of Lateral Heterogeneityon Surface Wave Testing: Numerical Simulations and a Countermeasure,”Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 27, pp. 541-552. (SCI)
2020 林俊宏、薛憲文、吳泓毅, (2020) “淺海域地球物理調查方法之回顧與展望,” 地工技術, 165, 19-30.
2020 林志平、吳采容、吳柏林、劉興昌、魏殷哲、林俊宏, (2020) “進地表地球物理方法之簡介、挑戰及地工應用的調適,” 地工技術, 165, 7-18.
2019 林俊宏、鐘志忠、林志平, (2019) “地球物理技術於大規模崩塌地調查之應用評析,” 地工技術, 161, 81-90.
2011 Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 138, No. 8, p. 1027~1032 (SCI)林志平、林俊宏、簡志榮、陳逸倫(2011),"表面波震測法做為地盤改良成效檢測工具之探討",土木水利,第三十八卷,第六期,第54-63 頁。
2009 林志平、林俊宏、洪瑛鈞、鍾志忠(2009),"地球物理探測在水庫壩體安全檢測之應用",水資源管理會刊,第11 卷,第一期,第76-85頁。
2008 林志平、林俊宏、鄒和翰、尤仁弘、鍾志忠(2008),"壩體地球物理檢測之發展與應用",台灣公共工程學刊, 第四卷,第三期,第27-35 頁。
2008 林俊宏、林志平(2008),"表面波震測之二維剪力波速剖面造影技術", 地工技術,第115 期,民國九十七年三月。